Baked Oatmeal Supreme!

A colorful dish for the 4th of July- or anytime 🙂

Baked oatmeal……It may sound boring, but it is anything but basic. On one occasion I made this for a brunch meeting, and I could not even count the number of people who asked me how I made it! Amazing as a breakfast item, dessert or a snack whenever you feel the urge……

IMG_6805I start with the following ingredients-

-3 cups organic oats

-1 cup milk

-2 organic eggs

-1/2 cup butter, or your oil of choice

-1/2 honey, or your sweetener of choice

-1/2 Tablespoon baking powder

-1 teaspoon salt

IMG_6806These are the essentials. But you can’t forget about the extras!! These are what make it unique and special 🙂

Today this included-

-1 browned banana

-A small tub of raspberries

-Organic, unsweetened coconut

-Sliced almonds

-Cinnamon and


I always add extra fun things, but the exact combination is always a bit different 🙂

fullsizeoutput_17a1Heat your oven to 350 F/175 C. I start by melting my butter in a small saucepan…..

IMG_6811You need to beat the eggs, so I put these as the first ingredients in the mixer, and just beat them in there…..

fullsizeoutput_17a8Time to make it nice and sweet 🙂

IMG_6815Add the honey and butter to the mix!

IMG_6821Next, go ahead and throw in the oats and the milk!

IMG_6817Followed by the salt and baking soda….

*Cooking tip* 1 ½ teaspoons is equivalent to ½ Tablespoon, so either measurement works

IMG_6807Now for the fun stuff!! Rinse the berries, if you are using any…..

fullsizeoutput_17a5I mash the bananas in the same pan I melted the butter in. If you are using previously frozen fruit that’s not completely defrosted it’s helpful to turn the heat on low to help with the process….

IMG_6823You can add the fruit and a good handful of coconut to the mix…..

IMG_6824And then the cinnamon, a bit of nutmeg and almonds (a good handful)….walnuts, pecans and dates would also be amazing in the mix!

fullsizeoutput_17a3Grease a 9 x 9 in. pan. A round cake pan, or even a heart shaped one would work as well. I love using real butter for the greasing process.

IMG_6825And pour the concoction on in!

fullsizeoutput_17aaI sprinkle more nuts on top, then add a bit more coconut and cinnamon. It looks good already 🙂

fullsizeoutput_17abBake for 35-45 min, until the top springs back when you lightly press upon it. The sides will also begin to brown and pull away from the edges slightly.

IMG_6838Serve warm or cold, with extra fruit, whipped cream, or even ice-cream if you dare!!! So good, it will not last long 🙂

*Baked Oatmeal Supreme*


The essentials~

-3 cups organic oats

-1 cup milk

-2 organic eggs

-1/2 cup butter, or your oil of choice

-1/2 honey, or your sweetener of choice

-1/2 Tablespoon baking powder

-1 teaspoon salt


-1 browned banana

-A small tub of raspberries

-Organic, unsweetened coconut

-Sliced almonds

-Cinnamon and


To create~

* Heat your oven to 350 F/175 C.

* Melt your butter in a small saucepan…..

* Beat the eggs. I do this straight in the mixer.

* Add the honey and butter to the mix.

* Next add the oats, milk, salt and baking powder.

* Rinse and add any berries to the mix.

* Mash any bananas you are using (I use the same saucepan that I melted the butter in for this part) and add them in, along with a good handful of coconut, some cinnamon, a smattering of nutmeg and a good handful of almonds.

*Grease a 9 x 9 in pan (or equivalent) and pour the goodness in.

*I add extra nuts, coconut, and cinnamon on top. Do this to your taste/liking.

* Bake for 35-45 min, until the top springs back when you lightly press upon it. The sides will also begin to brown and pull away from the edges slightly.


Potential variations…..

*If you are dairy free, use almond or coconut milk in place of the milk, and sub the butter for you oil of choice

*Mix up the optional ingredients. Chopped dates or raisins would be an amazing addition, and any berries would be lovely.

*Sub walnuts or pecans for the almonds, or create your own combo!

This recipe is…..

*G/F (gluten-free, as long as the oats you use are gluten-free)


*A healthier dessert option, using whole grains, and employing honey and fruit as the sweeteners.

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